Saturday, August 24, 2013

Setting up Exact Eye-Altitude in Google Earth

Google Earth is one of the most important software we use in mapping and GIS works in our daily life. While it's very easy to capture the images in google earths if you have coordinates of that location but still you may face the problem if you want to capture the series of images from the same altitude as panning and zooming does not allow you to fix altitudes easily. If you still not sure what I'm talking about, just head over to google earth and zoom in an area and try to fix the altitude at 500m. Have you done it easily ? or did it take a bit to do so ?? Well, there is one trick to tackle this problem and I'll show you how right after the jump.

Here is detailed step by step procedure involved in setting up the actual eye-altitude / viewing height in Google Earth.

  1. Open Google Earth, goto Tools -> Options -> Navigation. Under the navigation option select "Do not automatically tilt while zooming" as it prevents from tilting the view while you're zooming in or out.
  2. Zoom in area you want to capture until you get the nearest altitude in your map. If your required altitude is 5000m, fix the altitude around say 5410m.
  3. Now, head over to "Add" menu and click on Placemark or directly hit the "Add Placemark" button from your toolbar.
  4. Click on View tab and check the range. You'll probably get the value set to around 5303m. Change this value to 5000m. Just don't hit OK now. Click on another text box. The view automatically is adjusted to 5000m.
  5. Now, check the eye alt value at the status bar of Google map, the value is near around 5.11km that is, 5,110m. Which means if we place this Placemark at 5,000m the eye altitude will be set to 5,110. Therefore, to set the eye altitude at 5,000m we have to change the range value to 5,000m-110m = 4,890m.
  6. Change the range value to 4,890m and click on to insert the Placemark or click on another text box and hit cancel if you do not want to insert the Placemark. Congratulation, the eye altitude is now set to 5.0Km (5,000m).
Probably, Google will make it easy for us in the forthcoming version, but till now our problem is solved right ? 

If you found this post useful or have still confusion, either way, feel free to comment below.

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